Using connectivism to guide information literacy instruction with tablets
tablets, connectivism, United States, pedagogy, library instruction, higher education, mobile literacy, digital literacyAbstract
Connectivism provides a lens for librarians to design meaningful information literacy (IL) instruction because it integrates student learning with the digital age and with the constantly-evolving nature of information. The purpose of this paper is to extend the discussion on connectivism and IL to the use of tablet devices. Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, are popular on college campuses and are gaining ground as an educational tool. However, prior to implementing new technology in the classroom, educators should be able to explain the instructional purpose of the technology and how it will enhance or enable learning. This article presents an overview of connectivist theory, the theory’s relationship to IL, and the use of tablets during instruction. The author provides examples of a connectivist approach to IL instruction that incorporates the use of iPads.Downloads
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