About the Journal

Aims and Scope
Acceptance Rate

Aims and Scope of the Journal

We have an introductory video about publishing in JIL which is a useful overview of our aims and scope.

Founded in 2007, the Journal of Information Literacy (JIL) is an international peer-reviewed journal and is aimed at librarians, information professionals and academics who teach and/or research aspects of information literacy. The journal includes articles from established and new authors that investigate many different areas of information literacy, including school, academic and national libraries, health care settings, and the public sector such as the workplace and government. 

The Journal of Information Literacy seeks innovative and challenging research articles and project reports which push the boundaries of information literacy thinking in theory, practice and method, and which aim to develop deep and critical understandings of the role, contribution and impact of information literacies in everyday contexts, education, health care and the workplace. Submissions that do not substantially reference, review and contribute to scholarship in the field of information literacy will not be considered. 

We generally do not publish articles about digital literacy or educational technology but will consider submissions in these areas if they are grounded in, and contribute to, the literature and scholarship of information literacy. 

If in doubt, please send an enquiry about the suitability of your prospective submission to the journal's editors. We actively encourage and support submissions from underrepresented groups -- such as by race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and disability -- in the information sector as well as the sharing of expertise between all information literacy professionals. We also welcome inquiries about or suggestions of alternative formats, including multimedia or art/illustration-based work.

Acceptance Rate 

JIL has an acceptance rate of around 30% for articles submitted to the journal. The most common reason we decline submissions is because they do not match the journal's priorities and standards, which are extensively detailed in our guidelines for submission. Please read the guidelines carefully and consider sending a query letter at any stage of your research.  We are always happy to receive query letters and discuss with you the fit of your project with the goals of the journal.


JIL is the professional journal of the CILIP Information Literacy Group. The group encourages debate and the exchange of knowledge in all aspects of information literacy. The group:


JIL is freely available on the open web. Published works are also indexed in the following sources: 

  • DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
  • ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
  • LISA (Library and Information Science Abstracts)
  • LISTA (Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts)
  • And can be found through browsing in Browzine.

Please see our Journal Policies and Publication Ethics page for more information.