Enhancing students’ professional information literacy

Collaboratively designing an online learning module and reflective assessments


  • Angela Joy Feekery Massey University
  • Katherine Chisholm Massey University
  • Carla Jeffrey Massey University
  • Fiona Diesch Massey University




Aotearoa, business education, business students, critical thinking, information literacy, internet search skills, learning development, New Zealand, pedagogy, professional development


Creating information literate students and future employees is an expected outcome of a tertiary education. This paper shares insights from a successful collaboration between an academic and three university librarians to create an online learning module designed to develop students’ professional information literacy capability: identifying business information types, searching online databases, and evaluating quality using a new indigenous-informed evaluation approach. Student learning was measured using reflective tasks and assessments. The paper challenges teachers and librarians to consider ways they can collaborate to explicitly embed information literacy (IL) skills development into large disciplinary courses, particularly during the transition into tertiary learning, to enhance lifelong learning capability and meet future workplace IL demands.


